The eldersⅠ(1 Peter 5:1)

조회 수 27260 추천 수 0 2010.06.09 15:37:13

The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:(1 Peter 5:1)


Today, a pastor has three duties; a shepherd, a supervisor, and an elder. In generally, an elder stand for a leader who has wide experience and wins respect. Peter introduced himself as an elder. Yes, he is the best elder in the early churches. He was a pupil of Jesus, witnessed his death and resurrection, and did his best for conveying good news even if he had left a scar on his life through denying Jesus. His figure towards sound faith shows a looks bearing comparison as an elder.


He said about ‘a witness of the sufferings of Christ’. This is a kernel of good news in the early churches, and makes no difference today. Many people spend more time being proud of their church, pastors, and places of worship than the fact that Jesus Christ shed his blood and died on the cross for us. They missed the core. Gospel preachers must be a witness of the sufferings of Christ.


When Paul preached in Athens, many people were hard of hearing due to his words. He persuaded people with his general mobilization. He looks like a success preacher because many people received Jesus Christ in their mind through him. However, he was a failure. People thought God one of many gods. His logic and teaching were perfect, but didn’t bear fruits of preaching. He must have said about salvation by the sufferings of Christ, the blood of Jesus Christ. He got to know the fact, and since that, he made up his mind to preach nothing but Jesus Christ. Yes, elders, gospel preachers, live a life of becoming a witness of the sufferings of Christ. For that, it is no wonder to be part of the sufferings.


The other thing Peter said is ‘a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed’. He was convinced of glorious days that shall be revealed in spite of his passenger life; he put his desire to heaven. It isn’t easy to live as an elder. Nonetheless, we can live with joy because glorious days are waiting not only for elders but also for us.

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