로그인 유지
Now you (1 Peter 2:10)
The identification of Christian (1 Peter 2:9)
A corner stone (1 Peter 2:6-8)
A precious living stone (1 Peter 2:4-5) [7374]
Lord is gracious (1 Peter 2:3)
Desire the sincere milk of the word (1 Peter 2:1-2) [388]
The word of the Lord endure for ever (1 Peter 1: 24-25) [321]
Incorruptible seed (1 Peter 1:23) [134]
Love one another fevently (1 Peter 1:22) [181]
Was foreordained(1 Peter 1:20-21) [161]
You were redeemed with(1 Peter 1: 18-19) [209]
You were redeemed with(1 Peter 1: 18-19) [185]
He doesn’t judge with respect of persons (1 Peter 1:17) [351]
Be holy(1 Peter 1:14-16) [144]
Have a hope(1 Peter 1:13) [163]
About the salvation of a soul(1 Peter 1:10-12) [218]
The end of faith(1 Peter 1:8-9) [158]
The trial of faith (1 Peter 1:6-7) [194]
Salvation ready(1 Peter 1: 5)
Reserved for you(1 PETER 1:4)