성경적인 교회의 조건 영어 번역판

조회 수 3569 추천 수 0 2010.06.09 18:25:48


sub1_5 books001 하The Condition of Biblical Church.jpg


Every church wants to be called a ‘Biblical church’ and they insist that they are the true church. However, they are different from each other and expose many problems. Although some churches look like they are walking the right way, we have to admit that they are not perfectly right, having many problems. That is unavoidable if they take radical proceedings with the Bible.

Of course, we are the Lord’s bride and His church is complete. However, in another point of view, every visible, local church is never complete. Like Corinthian church or the seven churches of Asia, expressed in Revelation, they had a title of ‘church’ but had many problems as well.






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