We must work together for the gospel(Romans 16:3-4)

조회 수 26907 추천 수 0 2010.06.09 15:40:09

As you all know, Apostle Paul risked his life for the sake of the gospel. He was a helper of joy to the brethren at Corinth. (2 Cor. 1:24) He worked together with the brethren for the gospel. That is why the brethren became his helpers.

"Greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ Jesus: who have for my life laid down their own necks: unto whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles." (Romans 16:3-4)

Paul introduces Priscilla and Aquila as his helpers.

This is an honor for them because it goes to show that they were a big help to Paul's ministry.

Futhermore, what grabs our attention is the part that says, "who have for my life laid down their own necks."

It shows us that they were even willing to die for Paul.

If there were people like them today, they would be considered a cult.

In many false religions today, there are actually people who would lay down their lives for their religious leaders.

So what makes Priscilla and Aquila different from these cultists is that their motives were not the same.

Many people in false religions follow a person.

These are people who are attracted to their leaders as persons and are willing to lay down their lives out of submission to their leadership.

On the contrary, Priscilla's and Aquila's love for Paul was because of the Gospel.

Knowing how valuable the Gospel was, they were willing to risk their lives for Paul because he played a vital role in spreading the Gospel.

Even among our church members, there are those who love their ministers and are ready to risk their lives for them.

We need to be more objective on this matter.

We need to be able to discern whether their actions are out of their love for Christ or if they are motivated by personal relationships.

If one's actions are not according to God's will, he is not a true helper but a hindrance to the spreading of the Gospel.

Do you know what causes disputes and divisions in churches today?

They are caused by following men, instead of God.

If people only think about the gospel and about following the will of God, there would be no disputes and factions in our churches today because the gospel unifies us.

Wanting to help a minister for the sake of the gospel is never wrong.

It is a beautiful act of love.

Church members should respect and love their pastors all the more.

Moreover, we as church leaders should not try to lord over the flock but be a good example to the congregation first, in which case the church will be of one accord. And the Lord will be glorified through that church.


List of Articles
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3. A house built on the rock

2. A blind man leads a blind man

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Ye younger Ⅲ(1 Peter 5:8-9)

Ye younger Ⅱ(1 Peter 5:7)

Ye younger Ⅰ(1 Peter 5:5-6)

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The elders Ⅵ(1 Peter 5:3)

The elders Ⅴ(1 Peter 5:2)

The elders Ⅳ(1 Peter 5:2)


Leader's authority

We must work together for the gospel(Romans 16:3-4) [158]

The elders Ⅲ(1 Peter 5:2)

The elders Ⅱ(1 Peter 5:2)

The eldersⅠ(1 Peter 5:1)