If any man suffer as a Christian(1 Peter 4: 15-16)

조회 수 23810 추천 수 0 2010.06.09 15:36:40

But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men’s matters. Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf. (1 Peter 4: 15-16)


It is very glorious to be suffered, but Christian must think sense about why they are done because it is nothing to do with the Lord unless they suffer as a Christian. In fact, the Bible points out these problems.


It cannot be recognized as a suffering though someone goes through hardships if he does not follow the words of God but lives by the way of the world. Some people think they are a righteous person with a fact of believing God and justify their actions. However, their all actions cannot be admitted.


The sufferings of Christian are from Christ. As we know through Peter, Stephanos, and Paul, true suffering is from the process only for works of the Lord.


Some heretical leaders insist his imprisonment as a suffering after inveiglement, stealing, and even murder. Do you think they are right? Can they be forgiven any actions? Clear answer is that it has nothing to do with the Lord. The Lord will not forgive his sins no matter how sever he may receive a punishment. Christian has to face the sufferings being suitable Christian.


Nowadays, it is not easy to be part of these sufferings, because we are living the different age from the age Christian have to be resigned to die for their faith. So, today’s Christian has another task; knowing what the proper life for Christian is and separating from the world by themselves. It doesn’t mean keep watch and fall apart from the world, but it means that we have to understand the will of God and live a proper life as a Christian among them. In the process, sufferings will give you most valuable and glorious present.


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