Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. (1 Peter 4: 12-13)
Can we be guaranteed the successful life of belief without any sufferings? As the Bible show, it is impossible. Then, can we be compensated for our works by God without any trials? It is also impossible. The sufferings need for living the successful life of belief and being compensated in the face of God. Yes, it is not a shameful thing but a glorious thing.
You know that Noah was shunned in the process of building an ark. He built that in the conditions he can be treated like a stupid, and received a salvation from a judgment of water. What about Moses? He lived 40 years as a prince of Egypt, but he was incongruent as a servant of God. He could become a leader because he endured sufferings as a shepherd for 40 years.
How about Jacob? He, also, blessed by his father, but he was not until severe serving as a slave that he became an elder of a clan. In the life of Joseph, there were many trials, too. He was the most loved son among brothers, but he dreamt after serving in the Potiphar’s house and being put in Egypt prison. Like this, there are sufferings, there are great lives.
It is clear that there are more trials to people who live in the age of good news. Look at Peter. He expected Jesus will build a kingdom and he will be blessed with glory, so he was discouraged and even cursed Jesus when he died on the cross. However, he met resurrected Jesus again, and devoted himself to sowing the good seed after Pentecost. We can see that he was put in prison and threatened his life many and many a time in the process. In actuality, Stephens and James died a martyr in that process. These sufferings made the churches of the Lord firm and became a model to believers.
It is always true that it needs times of suffering for receiving the blessing of God. Especially for people who work for the Lord, it is very important. The churches of God are not built by accident. It is that God bought with his blood. Please don’t forget a fact that all glories are got by sufferings.