As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. (1 Peter 4:10)
Christians often use the word ‘gift’. The word has two meanings; present and talent from God. ‘Present’ emphasizes that it is given from God for nothing, but ‘talent from God’ stresses that it is applied to real life. Regardless of how the word is translated, both of two characteristic are important.
Why is the meaning ‘present’ important? It imports that all things we have are from God; honor, power, material, health, etc. All our possession is that the Lord entrusted us. Most people think that their possession is the fruit of their own efforts, but it is enormous misunderstanding. Everything in the world can’t be taken by our struggle. If anyone is forward to get everything by himself, he will soon feel deep frustrated. Our all possession is from God.
However, we cannot live an idle life only looking up at sky. Christians have to work harder and live with the features of sincerity and frugality, and these are that the Bible is saying. Which son does a father give a good present to? - for sure, it is who is lovable and faithful to his life. It is sure that the Lord gives a better present to who live a life which makes the Lord delightful.
Let’s think about the concept ‘talent from God’. The Lord’s present is introduced as wisdom, belief, healing, language, teaching, managing, serving, etc. These are of no use by itself; these should be in groups and are shared on associations. It is the reason of necessity of church gathering congregations. Christians given the Lord’s present must make an effort to serving each other with their gifts.
Yes, Christians who carry out above is called as ‘stewards’. The Lord wants for all Christians to live as this ‘stewards’. In other words, He wants to us think our possession as not ours but God’s, and live on serving one to another with our gifts, various present from God. How do we think about our possession? Remember, ours is not ours. It is from God, and is commissioned us temporarily. Live in the world as a steward.