Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God. (1 Peter 4:1-2)
If you ask what living to the will of God is, the Bible will answer that it is choosing the life of the flesh’s suffering. In fact, people in the world may hate answering through this way, because most of them are afraid of suffering. They look forward for being prosperous in everything and want the way of safety. However, it is true that the people who live in Christ have to make up their mind to undergo the life of suffering.
It is Jesus who becomes the best model of that life. He was who could become a king in supports of Israelites and rule over the kingdom, but he refused that himself and chose the way of suffering. He emphasized the fruit through his death like a corn of wheat (John 12:24), and he accomplished the work on the cross. And than he is giving orders us to walk this way of hardships like him.
There is no one who avoid this way among people who lived the life of belief. They were willing to walk the way of sufferings. Look at the Paul. He knew he would be bound, but he went his way saying ‘for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the nave of the Lord Jesus.’(Acts 21:13) The belief of fine proportions in the face of death and the happier figures in troubles were the common features of leading Christian. What are the reasons they could be pleased like this? It is because their mind is not on this world.
Yes, our desire not on this world. This world gives only the time of bigger despair. Even when we make much money, get honors, and become knowing everything on this world, we can’t take satisfaction and know well they don’t secure our happiness. So many people lay stress on the fact the life in this world is vain. We can talk about what is successful life. That is preparing the world coming up. One who arrange for the world must overcome difficulties of this world, because the more we go through hardships, the more we can be compensated on the world. If one lived without any sufferings, he can’t expect any reward. Are you on troubles? Than, be happy. It is also the will of God.