Having a good conscience Ⅲ (1 Peter 3:16-17)

조회 수 21428 추천 수 0 2010.06.09 15:31:47

Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. (1 Peter 3:16-17)


People who have a good conscience have another difficulty. It is that many people speak evil of them as of evildoers. It is recondite because they are plainly walking a good way and giving benefits to many people through good deeds. However, it is the principle of the world that they are considered as evildoers because of only the reason that they believe Jesus Christ.


Why did people treat believers as evildoers? The reason is very simple; because they have other identity fundamentally. They are living as children of Satan in the world, and Christian also had lived having a same identity with them before knowing Jesus Christ. However, after receiving Jesus Christ as their lord, they became the children of the Lord and it makes the world turned out enemies. Jesus always taught us to love our enemies. This is including not only enemies who we made living in the world but also people who don’t know Jesus Christ.


How many people were killed because of one reason that they believe Jesus Christ? Their death is unfair thing. If they had lived a nation having free on religion like us, they would win a lawsuit even on the law of the world. However, it is surprise that they took their death all for granted. They praised God in front of their death and prayed for people who are going to kill them. They could do it because they had a clear conviction. The Lord talked repeatedly about judgment for sinners and promised compensation for believers. Their fair reason in front of their death was that they can see the compensation through their faith.


Having a good conscience means that they can endure everything through their faith. Where there is a good deed, there is a suffering. It is the will of God. If one suffers from his evil, nobody can have sympathy. When in having a good deed we bear hardships doing not lose heart, we can make a rich harvest. No suffering, no glory. So the Lord says that hardships are the will of God. I hope that if you are in sufferings, praise the glory of God.

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