Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. (1 Peter 3:7)
Husbands are no less than wives. The obligation for their wives makes them be conscious of a sense of responsibility. Many men demand for many things to their wives, but they actually don’t know how to face their wives. So, if a couple has spent marital life for a long time, we can see that the wife who has obeyed her husband is leading her family affairs, large and small. It can be said the family is normal, but it is because the husband didn’t pay his dues.
Then, what attitude do husbands have for their wives? First, the Bible recommends them to dwell with their wives according to knowledge. Yes, in any circumstances, it is wrong to live separate from their wives. Even if they quarrel each other or are in unavoidable engagement, it never can be a desirable behavior to separate from their wives in the married state. Under any circumstances, a husband must not become estranged from his wife. Excepting for special cases, for example for a prayer, a couple must always live with one accord in everything.
The Bible likened wives to the weaker vessel. It means that they must be treated with great care. If one treat his wife with a sneer and insincere because she is his wife, the wife will be sadly wounded. It is impossible that once broken vessel is to be recovered. In other words, the mind got a wound from husband can’t get over easily. After all, we have to know that a couple have a closest relationship but can have a worst relationship according to their behavior.
As Christian, the reason a husband must make much of his wife isn’t simply for living the world comfortably. Wives are who will be heirs together of the grace of life. Of course, it can’t be connected with the problem of salvation, because it is possible that only one of them receives salvation. However, to a husband received salvation, his wife will become an important standard of inheritance; the Lord will judge how he faced his wife. Keep your attitude that considers your wife as being heirs together of the grace of life.
Finally, the most important attitude for one’s wife is to respect her. Most of social prejudices about women are from home, because people think wives must play a role of a servant in family. Inside church, there are same prejudices. Churches force women to be quiet. However, if these thinking bring about a result of neglecting women or wives, it is very dangerous. The Bible is clearly demanding husbands to give honor unto their wives. Remember that this is a Biblical attitude of Christian.