Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. (1 Peter 3:1-2)
The role of wives in a family is the absolute, so the influencing power of women cannot help growing large. Generally, people think women did blind obedience to their husbands in the past days, but it isn’t true. In encouragement of Paul we can see disobedience of women to husband. For that reason, it is demanding the subjection to husbands.
Then, why do wives have to live the life of subjection? The answer is simple. The Lord made men, and gave a valuable present ‘a home’. He made one loves another, has their children, and enjoys a plentiful life in there. It is showing in advance our glorious looks in the future. Jesus will be our bridegroom, and we, a bride, will participate in a wedding feast and make beautiful Heaven.
In this, there is a reason that the present family is precious. We think that the present family is simply needed in our life in this world, and that it is possible to disrupt their family if it is unsatisfactory. So, they get a divorce, leave their children, and even turn away their parents. However, we must think twice about the meaning of family if we are Christian born again, because the family is a model of glorious Heaven. We are as good as practicing of living in the world coming. If we can’t live defending our family in this world, we won’t be compensated the glorious life in the Kingdom of God. Even if we receive a salvation, we will stand in the face of God with a shameful figure.
The position of wives is the most important factor on appraise of a family. When look through a family, people will see how much the wife is cultured and silent. Money and knowledge is no consideration. Though a family is poor, the family will be an object of envy if the wife subject to her husband and live happily. Also, the family will shine brilliantly more and more by her. As Christian, the role of wives is more important, because many people are gazing at her behavior. If a wife does an immoral behavior, it will make herself, all Christians, and even Jesus be spoken ill of. On the other hand, if she does a virtuous behavior, many people will not only praise her, but come back to the Lord. Think about how about our figures as wives, please.