As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king. (1 Peter 2:16-17)
It is a promise of God that the truth makes Christians free. Yes, in the instant of receiving Jesus Christ, we are set at liberty from a yoke of a sin. Also, we free ourselves from bondage of the devil, and it is now possible for us to live happily looking at the future. We are set free, but it isn’t means that living according to desires of flesh is permissible. We, are Christians, have to prepare as a ruler of the world with the Lord. The basis is love. The words are teaching us how we act as the servants of God.
Jesus emphasized the loving our neighbors. Christians should surely have a mind of loving our neighbors. The Bible demands us to respect them. What is the meaning of ‘respect’? It is the mind to consider others better than me, and it means that we must lower ourselves when we face them.
Fraternal love is the final destination Christians pursue. Look at today’s churches. They say that each one believes Jesus Christ, but they hold each other in check, and hate each other. We can see that a church turn against other church, there are disputes among believers in church, and sometimes they engage in a controversy in a harsh tone. However, if we are a mature Christian who prepares future and lives as the servants of God, we won’t neglect the fraternal love.
What does ‘there is a faith’ in the world mean? It is started fear of the Lord. If one has it, he will keep away from a sin, and do his best to delight the Lord. Remember that a point of sameness believers have is to fear the Lord.
Finally, the thing that Christians must remember living in the world is to honor the world’s kings, because we will be a ruler in time to come. We can get better ability to rule over by training of submission to sovereign’s authority, and the submission to the kings is one to the Lord because God appointed the sovereigns. We must submit to and respect them.