Now you (1 Peter 2:10)

조회 수 21776 추천 수 0 2010.06.09 15:25:02


Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. (1 Peter 2:10)


Changing of one’s social standing in his life is very difficult thing. Actually, many people want to raise their social position and persevere in their efforts to get out of their unfree position, but it gives a frustration and sorrow to them instead. A person is born not having a environment he or she hope, so our position isn’t made from our will. For that reason, changing of position is more surprising for Christian.


We were children of the devil in the world. All people dream of being born to the child of the Lord and live forever, but in actuality they came into the world having a sinner’s figure who already is condemned to death. Many people endeavor to free themselves from a position of a sinner, but there is very little probability they success. They are still living on a position that proceeds to hell after all. However, at last a surprising event came into existence that can change their life. The time was come for their changing of a position.


A chance that can change their position from children of the devil to of the Lord came up to them. In other words, a way was presented that change them from a position be thrown out to a fire lake to a position together with the Lord forever. The change isn’t so difficult work, and we need not to pay for the position.


Yes, Jesus Christ died upon the cross and resurrected for changing of our position, and said that we will get the changed position if we believe the fact and make a confession that the works is for us. We were children of the devil who can’t get a pity of the Lord in the past days, but now we are his children under his absolute pity. Even if it was simple to welcome Jesus in our mind, the changing of our position is to set the world on fire.


People will probably hope to be born and grow in an excellent family, so they will make an effort to not hand down to their posterity when they couldn’t grow in such family. Yet, it isn’t easy. It will give much disappointment instead. However, even if we have a humble station in life, we need not to be discouraged, because we are the Lord’s nation and children forever and ever. It is a worthful position above all things. Now, are you living under this position?


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