Lord is gracious (1 Peter 2:3)

조회 수 24114 추천 수 0 2010.06.09 15:23:57

If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. (1 Peter 2:3)


Have we tasted that the Lord is gracious? A Christian born again will have this experience certainly, because it is started from a moment we are born again. When we think about Jesus who died upon the cross and resurrected to show us eternal life for our salvation, we are already a man experienced in the grace of Lord. If we started the life of faith without such sense, we need to check our belief.


In fact, there are many people in our round who didn’t taste the grace of Lord, but say that they received a salvation. Most of them think that they can receive a salvation through their deeds. They are unconcerned with the work of God, and try to complete their salvation with morals or rituals that religions in the world pursue. They call the name of God, show their power sometimes, and seem like have a great faith. However, they actually don’t receive a salvation.


The condition of a salvation isn’t complicated or difficult. It is only believing and welcoming Jesus who died upon the cross and resurrected for us, sinners. It is grace of God, and the entire condition of a salvation. The Devil will daze us continuously. Some people deny a fact that Jesus came to the world as a man, and other argue that he didn’t accomplish his mission. However, the Bible makes a record of completion of his mission and the grace of God given to people.


The grace will become a surprising power to believers. They could be fearless and keep their faith in many crisis of death, because they tasted this grace. Of course, there is a difference of impression about this grace by different persons. Maybe that is the difference of one’s faith. We can experience more grace proportionately with growth of our faith, and after all, it makes us bring down ourselves in God’s presence. What do ‘the growth of faith’ means? It is to know the worth of the grace, to deny ourselves, and to live the life leaning on Lord wholly. How do you accept the grace of God? I hope that you taste the grace of Lord and walk a way of more mature faith.


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