For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. (1 Peter 1:24-25)
The Bible likens our life in the world to grass. It looks like have a desire when it is verdant. The Bible likens all the glory of man as the flower of grass. It is very beautiful, so people take comfort from it and sing the beauty being charmed by the smell of the flowers. In actuality, people admire heroes who don’t receive salvation, and hope to make his life more beautiful by making his biography. However, the Bible is taking a calm attitude toward the answer. Their desire will wither, and their glory in the world will fall away, that is, they will disappear without a form.
People are living as if they live forever. They do anything for their gains no matter how other people are painful. There are many people who seem to have everything in the world, but they don’t get, in fact, their life. Their being look like glorious and beautiful as a flower in their life, but their soul is groaning with pain of hell, and he will meet a complete end in the inferno someday. It is a horrible thing even imagination.
Like this, the flesh can’t help save our soul, because it isn’t permanent. Only everlasting thing can save our soul. It is only one, the word of the Lord. It will have effect on even at this world. The word having the value of eternity will give eternal life to people as a present, and this word will compensate for tasks in the world at the kingdom of God someday.
Have you ever seen a person who disregards the word of the Lord and teaches morality and philosophy in our round? Don’t they encourage you to live glorious life with a religious tradition or a conversation of a hero? All this can make a great impress on many people, and lead a changed life, but it is for a while. It can’t be everlasting. Remember that it is only the word of the Lord that gives a eternal life and ensures glorious life.
Translation by Lee ji-hye