Love one another fevently (1 Peter 1:22)

조회 수 25343 추천 수 0 2010.06.09 15:22:38

Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently: (1 Peter 1:22)


Love is best stage Christians pursue. Of course, we can’t get it easily. Everyone wants love each other, but in actuality few people love another in Christ. There is a certain formula to attain the stage of love. Unless we substitute our life for this formula adequately, we never can attain the stage of love. The words are putting the formula into shape.


First, it is living a life of obedience to a truth through Holy Spirit. It is the reason of the teaching concentrating on the word of the truth or a doctrine in a church. It is very important to realize the truth and live as Lord says for no lie love. Being controlled of Holy Spirit is reasonable for living the life of obedience, because we can’t realize the truth without him.


When we obey the words of the truth, we can experience becoming clear of our soul. In actual fact, all people in the world want to have such soul. The purpose of all religion is in it. They make an effort for purification of mind with various kinds of yoga or training, but they are being had. Their minds are looked like becoming pure in a moment, but they will find that they never have clear soul when they get out to the world. The way to make clear our soul is only being submitted to the words of the truth.


A person who has a clear soul will love his brothers truly. Think about the word ‘truly’. This word means that love have pretense and untruth. It can’t be truth to do a good deed and act as love the poor and the sick for their face. The true love is from one’s inside.


The attitude of a person having a true love is that love one another with a pure heart fervently. ‘with a pure heart fervently’… It isn’t an easy command, but it isn’t mission impossible if we have pure soul in the truth. Not only will they pursue this love, but will they can feel a great happiness in living in this love. How much love do we practice? We must strive to arrive at a stage of pure and hot love in accordance with a formula the Bible struct.


Translation by Lee ji-hye


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