Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God. (1 Peter 1:20-21)
Being foreordained means a plan. In Church, this plan doctrine makes people misunderstand the Bible, and even confuses many believers being applied to the doctrine of salvation. However, we must know that this plan doctrine is talking about Jesus Christ. Yes, he came here as our Savior who is decided before the creation of the world.
Jesus came this world to die. So, we can see that he talked about his death several times, but people gathered together including his pupils didn’t understand the meaning. They thought only that he is the king of Israel, and his pupils calculate which person will occupy a high position. However, God prepared Jesus for a sacrificial offering from beginning, and the sin of all people is forgiven through the death. Moreover, he gave a desire of eternal life to believers with a glory of resurrection.
All this is planed before the creation of the world. Some people attack the God because of a hasty judgment. They ask whether God made a situation of sin of Adam and Eve. In other words, it is ‘Isn’t it true that God prepares a sinner?’, but we have to be careful about such extreme thinking. There is difference between planning and handling. If Adam and Eve didn’t commit a sin, a plan of God, coming of him’ couldn’t be realized. It was best way not only for us, but for God. Who does a parent want his children become a sinner? God hope that the believers live a holy life.
The purpose of God is always same; he wants all people live in him. Such efforts of God are continued even in the Old Testament. Even if many people betray and break off with him, God still calls us them and hope to become their Lord. We can see more in the New Testament. God descended the Holy Spirit to believers, makes their body a sacred hall, and wanted become their Lord. Many people live in much sin, but God take an active part in them. There is a phrase ‘where sin abounded, grace did much more abound’ in the Bible (Romans 5:20). Remember that God is who want that our faith and desire are in him.
Translation by Lee ji-hye