The trial of faith (1 Peter 1:6-7)

조회 수 25333 추천 수 0 2010.06.09 15:20:04

Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: (1 Peter 1:6-7)


After proclamation of good news in the world, Christians had to endure many hardships, and many of them are killed off. We can see through the history of church that persecutors had sunk Christian to the dust and did unthinkable harsh tortures and acts of murder. Satan who leads persecution always smiled after the work, because he thought that the believers will disappear in his presence. However, he realized that his plan fall through immediately, and continued the work with a more powerful method. It is kept up until now, and he is leading Christian into temptation with a crafty trick. In the past, he progressed his plan through persecutions, but now he is working through a truth be deteriorated. Moreover, he fakes evil into good to daze us. However, the wise Christians have to know that such Satan’s work makes our faith more mature.


The Bible says that Christians who perseveres under trial have to be happy, because a temptation, train his faith, will become known as a praise, nobility, and glory when Lord come into his kingdom. We must pay attention to the word ‘the trial of faith’. Of course, the faith means a condition that need for conviction of salvation. It is difficult for most Christian to have a firm belief even if they believe Jesus Christ firmly. They doubt for much time, and miss their foot. We must be trained our faith for conquest of such situation and the way of belief of victory.


A pure gold is made by several refining on fire. The level of refining means the level of purity. Likewise, our belief is estimated by how much we undergo the process of many trials, and it will be connected with our rewards in heaven. Don’t be afraid of trial, but think about the day we will receive the reward and be happy. It is just an image of Christians who live the great life of belief. What kind of mind do you have in the present temptation? If you are in despair, be happy! Your faith will become sound, and you will receive a surprising reward in the future.



Translation by Lee ji-hye


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