Salvation ready(1 Peter 1: 5)

조회 수 24997 추천 수 0 2010.06.09 15:19:44

Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time (1 Peter 1: 5)


It is a subject about salvation that Christians are extremely misunderstanding. Some Christians argue that salvation is decided from beginning, and another argues that it is made gradually. These arguments seem like all is right on any point of view, but it is wrong idea in a standard of the Bible, because salvation has no qualifications, and isn’t a creature of a moment. The object of salvation is all people in the world, and they can be rescue when they meet Jesus Christ. So, the Bible says that salvation is a thing ready. Yes, our salvation is a thing ready, and we became possess the salvation.


We can see many people who mistrust their salvation and too strive for the confirmation. They question of themselves that they are living the life that bears fruit for the verification work. Yes, Christian’s fruit is very important thing, and it is a Christian’s duty. However we have to know how the attempt is dangerous because some people say that they can’t be rescue with the fact they don’t bears fruit right now. Teaching like that makes Christian hold a great disappointment in his arms, and after all it makes him fall into spiritual stagnation.


Look at a tree bearing fruit. To bear fruit needs much time. There is no tree in the world which bears fruit straightly after planting seeds over the fields. It gives a lesson that we can distinguish between salvation and the life bearing fruit. Salvation is given to us only one time when we accept Christ as our Savior, and it means that we get new life. However, new life doesn’t mean the life bearing fruit directly. He will undergo training for his ripen life.


Lord’s salvation is obviously special thing. It will reveal itself with glory in the last time. Remember that the salvation never can lose, and Lord will defend it in safety. Don’t be discouraged. As long as we are in Christ, Our salvation is free from danger.


Translation by Lee ji-hye


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