Reserved for you(1 PETER 1:4)

조회 수 25262 추천 수 0 2010.06.09 15:19:29

To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,(1 PETER 1:4)


The things that reserved for us… It makes us be excited. The Bible says that it is incorruptible, undefiled, and not fades away or everlasting. The heaven is preparing it, and it is called an inheritance. What is ‘an inheritance’? It is money or property which you receive from someone. So, whose possession will we inherit? Of course, it is Lord’s. It is above our deserts.


It makes us surprising that the inheritance is given caused by only the fact we believe in Jesus Christ. Surely the time of patience will need comes from the belief. However, the important fact is that much more inheritance waits for us if we overcome the times wisely and live longing for the glory we will receive. For that reason, many Christians could be happy in their time of agony.


Do you remember Stephen’s attitude in front of death? He looked at the people throwing stones to him, and prayed for them. His face was occupied with pleasure, and he never feels sad with tears in his eyes. Yes, he would receive glorious inheritance from God, and his martyrdom would undoubtedly look the most glorious figure to God.


The people like Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and Rahab show what they want to in the Bible (Heb 11). They desired only a reward of heaven in the situation of pain. If we put our hope in heaven and live seeking inheritance we’ll receive, a frustration won’t exist in the world. The worse life we live because of God, the greater happiness we can feel. The inheritance we will succeed to leads our life to be worth. It is another reason we live in this world.


The inheritance in heaven and the sharp adversities in the world are prepared for us. Remember that our short suffering makes us more glorious. So, we are happy Christian thanks to the suffering.


Translation by Lee ji-hye


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